What is an orgasm?

Orgasm is considered to be the peak of any sexual excitement and it is a powerful feeling that offers physical sensation and pleasure. This includes the discharge of all the erotic tension accumulated during the encounter.

When it comes to what it is orgasm, mental health professionals and medical professionals do not define orgasm the same way. Medical professionals will define the acts based on the physiological changes of the body while the mental health professionals define orgasm using cognitive and emotional changes. By now, it is hard to have one definition of what orgasm means.

Advantages of an orgasm

Men who reach orgasm often, they have low level of mortality compared to men who don’t. There is evidence that ejaculation may reduce the risk of suffering prostate cancer. Many hormones which are released during the orgasm are protective towards the heart disease and some types of cancer. Some hormones also work as relaxants.

Orgasm types

Even if experts are yet to decide on what orgasm is, there are different categorizations of orgasm.

  • Female orgasm is distinguished as clitoral for immature and young or vaginal for these who have a healthy sexual response.
  • Blended or combination orgasm is when someone have different orgasm that are blended together
  • Multiple orgasm is the series of the orgasm that takes place over short period but not over a singular period
  • Pressure orgasm: this is an orgasm that takes place because of indirect stimulation through the application of the pressure. This is self stimulation form and it is common with children
  • Relaxation orgasm: this is derived from deep relaxation that takes place with sexual stimulation
  • Tension orgasm: this is a common type of orgasm and it is caused by direct stimulation. It happens when the muscle and the body are tense

There are other types of orgasm that have been described:

  • Fantasy orgasm: this is orgasm that results into the mental stimulation
  • G-spot orgasm is orgasm which results from the stimulation of erotic zones when someone is having a penetrative intercourse. This is different from other type of orgasm.
  • Excitement: If a woman is stimulated psychologically or physically, blood vessels in the genital will dilate. There is increased blood supply that may make the vulva to increase while the fluid will be passing through to reach the vaginal walls. This makes the vulva to be wet and swollen. The top of vagina will also expand. The breathing will quicken, the heart rate will get high while the blood pressure will increase. The blood vessel will dilate and it makes the woman to look flushed on the chest and neck. To reach the orgasm, the genital muscles, including introitus and uterus, they will experience rhythmic contraction. Female orgasm may last longer, compared to that of a man. Women may not have a recovery period and they may be stimulated if they get orgasm again.

For a man, the orgasm is marked with the semen passing through the urethra and the contractions of seminal vesicles, prostate gland and pelvic floor muscles. The contraction of the pelvic floor muscle, can force the semen to go out of the penis within the process known as ejaculation.

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